The conference registration form is available here.

You may use this form for conference registration, housing, and meals. You may also use this form to purchase t-shirts and tickets to the Friday evening Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra concert and reception. Registrations and purchases are refundable through May 1, 2025. After that date, no refunds can be given.

Exhibitor? The form to register for exhibit booths and to purchase advertising is available at You may use the main conference registration form to purchase all other items (on-campus housing, meals, ISO special event tickets, t-shirts) by clicking the above link and selecting the “Non-Registration Purchase” option.

Bringing family members? On the registration form, select both the registration option for yourself AND the “Family of IDRS Member” option. You will be able to register yourself and your family members at the same time. Note that this option is only for family members who don’t play a double reed instrument but are accompanying you to the conference. Double reed-playing family members should register separately. Need to purchase on-campus housing for family members? Register yourself and your family members first. Then, come back and select the “Non-Registration Purchase” option to purchase housing for additional family members. (You may need to do this multiple times depending on number of people and types of rooms.)

Bringing a group of students? If a teacher or school is bringing a group of eight(8) or more IDRS student members, the students can receive 20% off of the conference registration fee. This applies only to the conference registration fee, not other conference expenses. All students of the group must be full-time students and must be IDRS members.  This discount applies only to students in a group, not to a teacher who is bringing the group. To take advantage of this, please email (Do not complete the registration form; email us first.)

All conference attendees (including performers, presenters, composers, and exhibitors) must be registered for the conference. (Exceptions: Non-double reed collaborative performers and composers will automatically be registered for the conference and will receive a badge at check-in. Collaborative performers will receive a daily pass for the days they perform, no limit. Composers will receive a maximum of one complimentary daily pass for the day they have a work performed. If collaborative performers or composers would like to attend other days of the conference, they should complete this registration form and select 1-day passes for the additional days. Performers and composers may also use this form to purchase other items like meals, t-shirts, etc.)

Registration Options and Prices

IDRS2025 Options Early Bird Price
(until Feb 15)
Standard Price
(Feb 16 and after)
Member 5-Day$375$500
Member 1-Day$150$175
Member Exhibits Only (1-Day)$100$125
Student Member 5-day$200$250
Student Member 1-Day$75$100
Student Member Exhibits Only (1-Day)$50$75
Family Member 5-day (Family of IDRS Member)$225$275
Family 1 -Day Registration (Family of IDRS Member)$100$125
Family Exhibits Only (1-Day, Family of IDRS Member)$75$100
Non-Member 5-Day$435$560
Non-Member 1-Day$180$205
Non-Member Exhibits Only (1-Day)$130$155
Student Non-Member 5-Day$235$285
Student Non-Member 1-Day$95$120
Student Non-Member Exhibits Only (1-Day)$70$95

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