Please join us for five days of performances, classes, lectures, and workshops presented by leading double reed artists and pedagogues from around the world!
The conference registration form is available here.
Tuesday, June 10, with the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, Matthew Kraemer, Conductor
Mark Ortwein, electric bassoon/contrabassoon
Anna Mattix, English horn
Amy Pollard, bassoon
Nermis Mieses, oboe
Clara Manaud, bassoon
Dwight Parry, oboe
Nanci Belmont, bassoon
Wednesday, June 11, Gala Solo and Chamber Concert
Castillo Double Reed Octet
Atlantic Reed Consort
International Bassoon Ensemble
Camerata Nova Quintet
25th Infantry Army Band Duo
Tres Palos Enemble
Post-Haste Duo
Central Michigan University Trio
Jennet Ingle, oboe
Bradley Johnson, bassoon
Thursday, June 12, Gala Solo and Chamber Concert featuring the IDRS2025 Chamber Strings
Trio du Bois
Jeanine Krause and Adam Shapiro, baroque oboes
Alfredo Bonilla Aguilar, bassoon
Holger Hoos, Heckelphone
Betsy Sturdevant, bassoon
Elizabeth Masoudnia, English horn
Lía Uribe, bassoon
Linda Strommen, oboe
Raúl Chaurand, bassoon
Ari Cohen Mann, oboe
Saturday, June 14, with the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, Matthew Kraemer, Conductor
Alyssa Morris, oboe
Jaime González, oboe d’amore
Amy Pollard, bassoon
Fernando Zuñiga, bassoon
Emily Pailthorpe, oboe
William Short, bassoon
Winner – Gillet Fox International Competition, oboe
Montréal/Lyon/San Diego Bassoon Ensemble
(Carlo Colombo, Stéphane Lévesque, Martin Mangrum, Mathieu Harel, and Leyla Zamora, contra)
Oboe Family: Jaime González, Jennet Ingle, Elizabeth Starr Masoudnia, Alyssa Morris, Dwight Parry, Toyin Spellman-Diaz
Bassoon: Cayla Bellamy, Carlos Clark, Monica Ellis, Ivy Ringel, Christin Schillinger
Oboe and Bassoon: Paul Hanson, John Steinmetz

Butler University is consistently ranked as the #1 Regional University in the Midwest by US News & World Report, and its Jordan College of the Arts is particularly renowned. Butler’s picturesque campus, in a residential neighborhood a few miles north of the city center, offers world-class facilities, all within close proximity to one another. Guests can choose to stay on campus in Fairview House, a modern residence hall directly across from the concert venues, or at our main conference hotel – the Hyatt Regency Indianapolis in the heart of downtown.
We hope you will come be a part of the 54th annual IDRS conference and enjoy all that Butler and Indianapolis have to offer!
Co-hosts Pam Ajango (Oboe) and Doug Spaniol (Bassoon) look forward to welcoming you to the campus of Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana – a city known around the world for auto racing, and acclaimed as one of America’s top cities for hosting major events. Indy is easy to reach by air or car and boasts a flourishing culinary and brewing scene, thriving cultural institutions, the esteemed Indianapolis Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, cool and unique neighborhoods, and its legendary “Hoosier Hospitality.”